Directorate for Democracy & Governance (DDG)

Vision: To equip youth with an ethical foundation as we prepare them for the responsibility of leadership.

Raising the next generation of African Leaders

More than 60% of Africa’s population is under the age of 25, and in countries such as Nigeria, Afghanistan, Somalia and Uganda, more than two-thirds of the population is under the age of 25.

Yet young people remain underrepresented in government and decision-making processes, and are frustrated by the absence of a vision for their future.  For example, the United Nations estimates that two out of three countries do not consult young people as part of their poverty reduction or national plans

Our Strategic Objective

CELEG offers young leaders a platform to discuss opportunities and strategies for mobilizing their peers so that they can create a shared vision to help advance youth participation in civic and political processes.  We aim to facilitate the exchange of ideas, experiences and best practices across Africa to ensure that youth have a stronger voice in decision-making. 

Our program intervention prepare the African youth to be effective citizens, strengthen and safeguard democratic institutions, processes, norms and values to secure a better quality of life for all by providing them with an understanding of how democratic processes work, as well as how to engage in these processes and participate in the civic life of their communities.

DDG Programs

iLead (my community)

Confident, skilled and knowledgeable leaders are needed to inspire, lead and foster dynamic and viable organizations and communities. The community leadership Program is a state-wide program in Kenya for individuals who want to improve their local communities by getting more involved in local non-profit, government committees and other volunteer efforts. 

While there are many individuals in a community who are willing to give their time and talents to serve the needs of others, sometimes they lack the connections, skills or confidence to take on leadership roles. This program helps prepare them.

This is an ongoing program aimed at equipping budding youth community leaders with the necessary tools and mindset to accelerate their leadership and impact. It focusses on youth working to provide local solutions based on the SDG goals.


Yes Youth Can!

This program is aimed at equipping promising youth leaders drawn from the 47 counties with skills that enhance their work in their counties.

Among the skills taught are:

  • Effective advocacy
  • communication skills
  • Power Mapping
  • Resource Mobilization…etc.

Objective; To facilitate an exchange of ideas and best practices between youth within the different counties .

iLead (Africa)

This program is aimed at facilitating a  a platform  of exchange between young Kenyan Leaders and their continental counterparts with a view to foster partnerships and synergies drawn from best practices that enhance solution provision across the continent.

Objective: We facilitate the exchange of ideas, experiences and best practices across the world to ensure that youth have a stronger voice in decision-making. 



She Leads

CELEGs Women’s Leadership Programme is driven by the fact that women’s equality and empowerment is good politics, good economics, good for social inclusion and an important way of ensuring peaceful and just societies.

Objective: to deliver training and awareness-raising activities to more women in Africa, to build skills, providing coaching and mentorship opportunities, and organizing high-level events to achieve transformational change in the empowerment of women in contexts critical to  sustainable development processes.