Directorate for Leadership & Ethics


Fostering an Ethical mindset for the
transformation of Africa.

The root cause of Africa’s Leadership problem is the lack of ethics.  Our vision is to inspire the next generation of African Youth leaders with a sense of patriotism that demonstrates appropriate and thoughtful conduct, respects ethical beliefs and values, and  motivated by the dignity and rights of others. 


Our Strategic Objective

Ethical leadership is a critical form of leadership action. These actions lead to higher levels of productivity, stronger service quality, better quality decision-making, more trusting environment, better communications, and increased flexibility from stakeholders. 

To realize this outcome, we work towards creating a culture where ethics permeates the community and forms a portion of every decision.

CLE Programs

Ethics Program

This program is aimed at equipping youth in institutions of higher learning with the mindset and knowledge required to be an ethical leader.

This program is also available for high school seniors to.



Uongozi program

What will Africa’s future be like?

It all depends on the quality of leadership availed to the leaders of the future.

At CELEG, we are committed to ensuring that we prepare the next generation for the task of leadership.