We believe youth can!

Inspiring a proactive, productive and progressive generation of youth.

Our Mission

To enhance the socio- economic capacity of youth in communities through community based development interventions, networking and collaboration as a catalyst for social accountability, self-reliance, sustainability and environment conservation and poverty alleviation program at grass roots level.

Our Vision

CELEG “envisions an ethical society that respects human rights, promotes wholesome and equitable development by providing opportunities and security to its youth whereas upholding environmental stewardship”

Our Slogan

Proactive -Productive -Progressive

Empowerment for sustainability

 My community my responsibility.

Welcome to CELEG


The  Center for Leadership , Ethics (CELEG) was established by its founder, (Moses Gichuho) in 2021, moved by the desire and passion of, producing building and empowering more youth leaders to take on the work of development and also by the dearth and paucity of proper ethical and accountable leadership prevalent on the African continent.

Moses believes, ‘everything rises and falls on leadership’ hence his aim to equip and inspire 1,000,000 youth leaders in Africa to become proactive, productive and progressive agents of Africa’s transformation.

CELEG leverages the expertise of passionate changemakers who make up its advisory and executive team. We pride ourselves of world-class, seasoned professionals (African-focused and Globally-minded)who lead our ‘four centres of  youth action’. 

CELEGS inception was driven by the desire to provide the youth a platform to understand and plug in as critical stakeholder in development activities by; providing opportunities for vital information dissemination, creating space for civic engagement, social and development discourse, innovation and creativity hence meaningfully contribute and participate  in local intervention strategies.

Our philosophy: Youth  are the ideal agents to be at the forefront of the sustainable development movement as they are forward-thinking, creative and constitute the largest demographic dividend.

Projects Undertaken

Leadership Training

We believe everything rises and falls on leadership. This calls for empowerment to prepare youth to be effective leaders in their communities.

Environment Conservation

We believe, if we cannot take care of the environment, the environment cannot take care of us.

Civic Education

We believe and champion for communities to have access to relevant, timely and accurate information to allow them make informed decisions.

Peace Project

There is no development without peace. We believe in empowering youth to be peace advocates in their communities.

Goals and Objectives

  • To enhance meaningful youth participation (active citizenship and public participation) through advocacy for youth in leadership.
  • To inculcate ethical leadership as a foundation for leadership among the youth.
  • To make relevant information available( through skills  and technology trainings)  and accessible to groups and individuals on our four areas of concern to catalyze interventions and  development.
  • To promote good governance, conservation and environmental stewardship (build the community resilience and adaptation capabilities to the impacts of climate change) through research and capacity building.


CELEGs programs

Our programs are categorized into 4 main thrusts:

  • Leadership and Ethics
  • Democracy and Good Governance 
  • Climate Action
  • Peace and Conflict resolution (Community Development)

CELEGs programs span several counties in Kenya including, Nairobi, Mombasa, Machakos, Kisumu, Kiambu and Homabay.

Our interventions include; capacity building trainings and socio-economic empowerment. Our organization enjoys both local and international as well as grassroots partnerships, which are crucial for synergistic results with greater impacts.

Advisory Board


Advisory Member

ONE's AU and East Africa Director. She has extensive professional experience in communications, advocacy and project implementation.

Dr. Johnson Ireri

Advisory Member

Dean of Students at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. A distinguished professional with 16+ years experience in senior leadership roles and a staunch believer in people potential.

Syliva Tanasha

Advisory Member

A distinguished professional with 15+ years experience in the community development and and peace and conflict.

Jeffery Ferezy

Advisory Member

A distinguished professional with 7+ years experience in the Democracy and Governance advocacy.

Executive Team

Moses Gichuho

Executive Director

A distinguished servant leader; driven by passion committed to transformation and believes in people empowerment.

anna Mwangi

Deputy Exec Director

A dedicated professional, passionate about youth with 5+ years of lworking and leading CBO's and NGO's

Joy Kuria

Dir. Centre for Youth Action on Leadership and Ethics

A dedicated professional, passionate about youth with 4 years working on matters leadership and Ethics.

allan Ouma

Dir. Center for Youth action on Democracy & Governance

A resourceful corporate practitioner with over 4 years of experience in the corporate world holding various portfolios.

Nasra Hadija

Dir. Center for youth action on Climate Change

A dedicated professional, passionate about climate justice with 5+ years

Lyan Ole Kita

Dir. Center for youth action on peace

A dedicated professional, passionate about youth and community development with 3+ years experience.

Herman Wetindi

Finance Manager

A practising certified Public Accountant committed to the integrity of financial management.

Grace Masambu

Resource Mobilization Manager

We deliver the best solution and provide a business strategy that makes you a full professional.

red Obunu

Programmes Cordinator

A dedicated individual, gifted with people management skills and team development.

Ofula Nebukati

Communication Manager

A passionate professional with 4 years of experience in corporate communications.

catherine ngesa

Program Officer

A passionate youth worker with gifted mobilization and organizing skills.

Antony Chiko

Social Media Lead

A passionate youth worker who thrives in conveying messages through social channels.