Welcome to CELEG

The Center for Leadership Ethics and Governance (CELEG ) works   to equip and inspire the next generation of African leaders.


Mission and Vision

Vision : To be a center that nurtures, empowers, and transforms positive, proactive, productive, and progressive transformational agents through community-based development interventions.

Mission: Establish responsive programs that promote grassroots development underpinned by ethical leadership that inspires transformation, prosperity, opportunities, and security for Africa.

Our Values

Community                People/beneficiary centered.

Integrity                                      Integrity and reliability in all operations.

Transformation                      Promoting social development through innovation.

Investment                          Empowerment/capacity strengthening



Our focus


SDG 16 (Peace, justice, and strong institutions)                           

SDG 13 (Climate action)

SDG 17 (Partnerships for the goals)

SDG 1 ( No poverty)


Center For Leadership Ethics & Governance (CELEG)

CELEG was founded in 2021.  Our north star is the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want, and Agenda 2030 plan of action for people, planet, and prosperity. We pivot on excellence and professionalism to achieve our impact priorities.

 We endeavor to collaborate with like-minded stakeholders towards realizing the global vision of shaping a more sustainable future through investing in Africa’s greatest resource; its human capital to advocate for systematic changes: to safeguard our planet, make societies more inclusive, make our economy more sustainable, and address social inequality.

Our Directorates for Youth Action (DYA's)

At CELEG, we believe, ‘youth are not a problem to be solved but the solution to the problems we seek to solve as a country and continent’. Our DYA’s are all about equipping a proactive, productive and progressive generation of youth and  budding African leaders with the necessary skills and mindset to  address  four critical challenges facing Africa.

Directorate for Leadership & Ethics

Our vision is to equip youth with an ethical foundation as we prepare them for the responsibility of leadership

Directorate for Democracy & Governance

Our vision is to advance youth leadership up by 30% on the continent by 2030.

Directorate for Climate Action

Our aim is to equip the youth of Africa with knowledge requisite to advocate for enhanced climate action.

Directorate for Peace and Security

Our aim is to equipping the youth with skills that enables them become community peace agents.

Blog Section

Our Impact

0 +
Youth Reached
0 +
Counties Reached
Year Founded